Ok, I'm a little

First was the Fig and Toasted Almond Brie which I served with baguette slices.

The second appetizer was steamed oysters. I had never had oysters before. Despite how strange and someone gross they looked in the jar, they were pretty good. Always up to try new things. =)

After that settled I made up some Spring green's salad with Heart Shaped Croutons I had made and a Olive Garden copy-cat dressing. The main course was Sesame Seared Tuna with a ginger dipping sauce that I found on Martha Stewart's website. That was wonderful!

Finally for dessert I served Raspberry Mouse filled Dark Chocolate Boxes. I had a bit of a hard time making the boxes the night before. I had to make the cookies, dip them in dark chocolate and then when they cooled, glue them together with chocolate dipping sauce and left them in the fridge over night to set. They didn't want to stay in place when I was making them but they were practically inseparable by the time I served them. lol

We watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding and WALL-E and gave each other a little gift. Over all it was a wonderful Valentine's Day. I love being able to cook for the ones I love. Hope everyone else had a good V-day as well! Take Care!