Sorry for the long dry spell in posts. I'm pretty sure only my family reads these posts anyway but that's ok :D I have been too busy to do much in the kitchen other than quick meals for myself. I had 3 exams back to back last week and several coming up in the near future. I do have a couple cake orders for the upcoming months and will definitely have pictures for Halloween. I can't wait! I love Halloween and this year my friend and I are going to do something I've always wanted to do and that is have a Halloween party with FOOD! She and I are going to bake, make some finger food (nothing fancy we Are college students), and decorate her place. Not totally sure what I'll have time and money to put together but I will take a lot of pictures. My boyfriend and I are working on costumes not only for Halloween but also for AUSA which is coming up in November. I'm going to be Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3 and he's going to be the Spirit (movie version) for Halloween. No, we don't match at all but we're making up for it at AUSA ~.^
More good news! I finally have a job again. It took me two months due to my jobs lack of communication skills with their managers but I've made it on the schedule. They better not try to make me work this weekend during the State game which is my first and only ECU football game or on Halloween. I've worked too hard on both of those to miss.

I was also able to find my Joanna a home over the break! I hated to give her away but I didn't have the time, money, or room to take proper care of her. Plus the person I gave her to built her a custom wooden cage before I even gave her to him so I know he's going to take good care of her :)
Hopefully it will stay cold soon and I can try out some of my hot recipes from my Veganomics cook book. I love fall and the recipes that go along with it ^_^